Thank you for reading.
I am a fiction writer currently living and writing in Florence, Italy.
Florence is full of magic, inspiration, and small delights. Even taking the garbage out is charming. Old ladies leaning out of their green-shuttered windows to call gossip to neighbors across the cobbled alleys... but you can read more about those sorts of things on the blog.
Mostly, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being here, for reading. For taking a few minutes to step into a new world, consider a new possibility. Writing is my second-greatest delight in the world. The first is sharing stories with you, readers.
After all, what fun is all this marvelous meandering through meaning, this garrulous galavanting among guileless tales, without someone to share it with?
"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
- Mary Oliver
Nora E. Studholme